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List of the kings of Gupta Empire

The Roman Empire was, in the course of its existence, dissolved several times, changed hands even more, was split up, parcelled out, apportioned, quartered, gambled away, bought back, and otherwise rendered defunct multiple times- but it's still called the 'Roman Empire'. On the other hand:- 1- Sri Gupta (240 AD to 280 AD) (Founder of the Empire) 2- Ghatotkacha Gupta (280 AD to 319 AD) 3- Chandra Gupta (320 AD to 335 AD) 4- Samudra Gupta (335 AD to 380 AD) 5- Rama Gupta (380 AD to 382 AD) 6- Chandra Gupta (382 AD to 415 AD) 7- Kumara Gupta (415 AD to 455 AD) 8- Skanda Gupta (455 AD to 467 AD) 9- Puru Gupta (467 AD to 473 AD) 10- Kumara Gupta (473 AD to 476 AD) 11- Buddha Gupta (476 AD to 495 AD) 12- Narasimha Gupta (495 AD to 523 AD) 13- Kumara Gupta (523 AD to 540 AD) 14- Vainya Gupta (540 AD to 550 AD) 15- Bhanu Gupta (550 AD to 557 AD) 16- Krishna Gupta (557 AD to 559 AD) 17- Harsha Gupta 18- Jivita Gupta (few days) 19- Kumara Gupta (560s AD to 570s AD) 20- Damodara Gup

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