Why is reservation being given to girls in IITs when they are neither backward nor financially weak? Shouldn't at least a deserving candidate be given a seat?
This post might be down-voted and mass-reported by girls, but it’d only be expected in a land where more than 80% of all Dowry Cases turn out to be fake.
NB:- People are reading the thing, upvoting it, then hurriedly removing the upvote once they realize the level of un-PC talk here. :D :D :D
I see three problems with your proposition.
One:- That’d imply a basic degree of general awareness among our great Uffasars- a breed typically selected for their ability to gulp down pages of state-approved propaganda and mindless goodthinkfulness in the company of their peers, rather than any real scholastic or intellectual ability.
Two:- The idea that a Democracy- a system of Government built on pandering to the least common denominator- will retain, over multiple generations, the ability to dissociate Ability from Identity.
Three:- Because Feminism. Patriarchy oppressed Wahmyn for Millions of Trillions of Years so give us nice things otherwise we will cry raep in the newspapers.
All of this was predicted long ago- but anyway…
Now, you might ask either whether chicks “require” Reservations or why they’re being “given” Reservations. These are two different questions, both of which might easily take up hours and days and weeks of discussion but we are strapped for Time & Space as it is so I’ll be brief.
First:- In general, girls don’t get into IITs because girls deep down don’t want to get into IITs. And even for those that do, girls are relatively less able to get into such institutions than guys. Read more:- Countries with Higher Levels of Gender Equality Show Larger National Sex Differences in Mathematics Anxiety and Relatively Lower Parental Mathematics Valuation for Girls. Read more:- The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education. So- not only are Girls from cohorts with greater gender equality well willing to enter STEM fields, they are less ABLE to enter STEM.
Now you, being a Feminist, might claim- but that’s because Hindu bigots like you are oppressing them, A.
But no- that’s not how things work. Read the Papers again.
These chicks will be MORE LIKELY to have gotten into IITs if Brahmanical Patriarchal Fascist Hindu Nazis like me WERE oppressing them. Girls, when given the choice, overwhelming either don’t attempt to enter the field or simply sign out mentally, flunk the tests or something, and go for other pastures. UNLESS they’re forced to “slave” for their (Birth) Families- who FORCE them to enter into STEM. There must be tens of thousands of girls studying in Kota- a place I’ve never been to in my life BTW- and yet we had what- 50?- girls in the Top 1000 last year? 8%- all in all?
Then there’s the question of raw intelligence.
No, I don’t personally believe in any of that nonsense; seems too much like snake oil to me. But IQ tests are the norm- and the most common interpretations I’ve seen go something like, read more:- Men are both dumber and smarter than women. Which imply that Men and Women have the same mean Intelligence but the former report greater SD values.
Which is, AGAIN, exactly what the Stats show. IITs select- what was that? Top 1%,2%, something? So, even by the accepted “politically-correct” stats, you’d be far far less likely to see girls in IITs compared to guys.
As it is, the “non-politically-correct” stats are even more damning.
It turns out that, past puberty, Men report a higher mean IQ than women, and almost similar SDs. I’ll quote:-
Note that due to the seemingly unimportant slightly higher male average IQ, the extra male variability does not mean that there are many more mentally deficient males. Instead, the areas under the curve show that at the high extreme, such as the Mensa or gifted cut-off IQ of 130 (indicated by the red arrow) and above, there are significantly more males than females who qualify.
So, it’s not only normal, it’s EXPECTED to have sex ratios of 9:1 or 10:1 in IITs.
1- Girls are less likely to qualify in intellectual pursuits than Guys.
2- Girls are less likely to pursue STEM than Guys.
3- Girls (mark this, friends) are less likely to qualify in intellectual pursuits than guys when they pursue STEM.
The only way out appears to… Patriarchy, rolfmao- where Fathers and Brothers shout at their daughters and little sisters to go get a STEM degree so that it’d be easier to marry them off. But aren’t we told that Patriarchy is evil and IQ tests a tool of the Brahmins? How very droll!
Second:- So why would any Uffasar even wish to bring in reservations for girls (reserved seats, not exactly block reservations- but whatever) if the lop-sided sex ratios are expected and normal?
Now those among us who read the Shastras know that they have- how to put this mildly?- have little good to say about Mob rule. Consider the Lalitavistara- Mob Rule, aka Democracy, leads to mobs getting power, spitting on their betters, and becoming total degenerates. The Mahabharata goes on and on about how the decline of Value in the Kali Yuga will lead to the collapse of Dharma, people will all start ruling themselves and make a mess and constantly promote “men of low birth”.
So it was a tad surprising for me when I encountered a bunch called the Neo-reactionaries. Read more:- The Anti-Democracy Movement Influencing the Right
Apparently Liberals think the term is an insult; TBH I didn’t get it at first when they tried to brand me as such- I’m a Hindu and Dharma came first- long before there were Neo-reactionaries or the Alt-Right or Liberals to vex us all.
Now I’d be dumb to swallow anything the Media says about any “RW” movement be in Bharatavarsha or abroad, but it was only common sense for your average Imperial Gupta commander to keep an ear out for the Hunas and Alinas and Harahunas and Turanas and the rest of the Mlecchas, and pile stones atop the ramparts and string the bows when the savages started singing their unclean songs.
However, surprisingly, this particular section of said unclean songs turn out to have remarkable parallels to the Shastras.
“Neoreaction is an ideology obsessed with both the mechanics of power and autocratic governance, and with aesthetics.”-Rosie Gray
The Wings of the Parrot, the Hill of Antimony, and the Sea of Gold- in a nutshell. But enough of that story for now… So what do our wannabe Iron Age-warlords have to say?
Socialism works not only because it promises higher status to a lot of people. Socialism is catnip because it promises status to people who, deep down, know they shouldn’t have it. There is such a thing as natural law, the natural state of any normally functioning human society. Basic biology tells us people are different. Some are more intelligent, more attractive, more crafty and popular. Everybody knows, deep in their lizard brains, how human mating works: women are attracted to the top dogs. Being generous, all human societies default to a Pareto distribution where 20% of people are high-status, and everyone else just has to put up with their inferiority for life. That’s just how it works….Rich people, or people with the inborn traits which lead to being rich, will always have status in any natural society. They will always do alright. That’s why they can’t be trusted; the stakes are never high for them. If anything they’d rather have more freedom to realize their talents…If you live in a free society, and your status is determined by your natural performance; then it follows that to build a cohesive Leninist ruling class you need to recruit those who have natural low-status… In any society, men have higher performance than women. They are stronger, they work harder, they have a higher variance, which means a fatter right tail in all traits (more geniuses); and they have the incentive to perform what the natural mating market provides. That’s the patriarchy for you.Now I don’t want to over-stress the biology part here. It’s not the fact that all men are better workers than women. In a patriarchy there’s plenty of unearned status for men. But that’s how it works: the core of society is the natural performance of men; those men will naturally build a society which benefits them as men; some men free-ride on that, some women get a bad deal. Lots of structural inertia there. But the core is real.
Do read the Article- and I’m not just saying this for the sake of it but because I know no one is going to read the Shanti Parva or Sowell’s Preferential Policies if I quote those.
The General Caste Hindu Male is the last group anyone in the Republic ought to be betting upon. Don’t believe me? Not even the “General Caste Hindu Male” Political Party- the Tea Propagation League or whatever it’s called- likes General Caste Hindu Males. See how easily one of its leaders shanked a Passport Officer for doing his job recently or how they gleefully gun down protesting Hindus & Sikhs while coddling every random Peaceful decapitator and torturer on the shores of Dal Lake.
And Girls matter here- since they’re the biggest chunk of suppressed oppressed depressed minorities around. What better way to demonstrate the glory of the Republic, gods-damn the colleges?
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