Why isn't the concept of the creamy layer (income/wealth limits) introduced for SC/ST candidates like it is for OBC candidates?
Because if our worthy leaders had put that much thought while defining laws for the entire Reservation business, they'd have realized what even a lobotomized Gorilla could've- that attempting Social Reform through preferential policies is the equivalent of helping an woodcutter get better prices for his firewood by nuking the entire nation.
As it is, our glorious leaders demonstrated then the same amount of Foresight that has since:-
1- Ensured our total authority and Peaceful prosperity over the entire territory of the former Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir,
2- The prosperous and flourishing existence of an independent Tibet- the axis of a Bharata SE and Central Asia,
3- Complete harmony between Mainlanders and North-Easterners in our shared culture and faith,
4- Free Enterprise and Ease of Travel across the length and breadth of Central Bharata, and
5- An unparalleled cultural and artistic flourishing unseen since the Gupta Mahamandalam.
Now please excuse me while I laugh till my insides ache…
Very well.
Now as things stand, the question isn't whether Reservations are justified or not, since Reservations are here to stay and any attempt to remove or alter them will undoubtedly lead to Civil War and Rioting, as Dr Sowell so brilliantly describes in his unparalleled work, “Preferential Policies”. Rather what we ought to the discussing is the advisablility of having a Creamy Layer policy in the first place. Once one really meditates upon such matters, they'd realize just how lucky we are that our glorious leaders were as retarded and incompetent as they were; no wonder the old Oriya saying goes that a little wisdom is the path to ruin.
What Dr Sowell further demonstrated and what I've only seen one Hindu Scholar note since- on Twitter BTW, look up Anonymous Poster- is that the gradual Out-group Selection of the best and brightest of a Cohort- here the <<REDACTED>> Classes- as part of a Creamy Layer will only serve to dissociate them from the vast bulk of their Compatriot Cohorts (since inter-marriage will only serve to weaken the Preferential “Rights” of the less fit agents in the <<REDACTED>> Classes).
As such, within a century or so of such Fitness Selections, we'd be left with a scenario where the entire <<REDACTED>> Cohort would've been leeched of its absolute Best and Brightest, and since intelligence is predominantly dependent on genetic factors (thus irrespective of the Flynn effect), furnish only the worst potential candidates for selection into a predefined Uffasar cohort size.
Such a scenario will undoubtedly happen with respect to the OBC cohort; already selection criteria are suffering across the Board for OBCs and we can expect further declines in average Intelligence and Fitness till the entire OBC Cohort collapses into what is essentially the greatest Reverse Eugenics initiative in the history of Humanity.
Thus for the wellbeing of both the Nation and the <<REDACTED>> Cohorts, it is imperative that the Creamy Layer policy NEVER be implemented.
Of course, knowing the calibre and ability of our glorious leaders, it'd be a miracle if they don’t attempt such insanity in the future- or expect the self-destructive leaders of the hordes of the <<REDACTED>> Cohorts not to paint my advice as some Brahmanical Hindu conspiracy and demand a flat Creamy Layer cutoff or worse.
As it is, I have an extremely low opinion of this Republic and worse for its Institutions. Life will go on as it always has- average, not as good as it was in the past but surely not as bad as its going to be in the coming years.
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