What is something that needs to be said that nobody wants to hear?
Moved by the inner light that the gods have bestowed upon men, the great musician Pingala reasoned and rightly that as the Universe was born of the chanting of the Vedas, thus do the laws of Mathematics govern the nature of Music and Time alike. Thus by the erudition of his scholarship, he became golden-hued as an Aditya and attained immortality as was promised to all Aryas in the Vedas.
Thus it was rediscovered by the Bharatas of the age of Vikrama - as had been always known to the true Seekers- that there is an underlying harmony to the ebb and rise of Civilizations, as like the notes within a nameless aetheric harmony that pervades every aspect of Being and non-Being. Scholars have studied it, the Sages have meditated upon it, the Wise have discoursed upon it. Like flowers, Civilizations spout upon the circles laid out for them, and like flowers, these bloom in fullness of their potential under the light of the Adityas, then rot upon the ever-youthful vines swollen with their own corruption, and finally fall off onto the bitter Earth to make way for fresher blossoms.
This is the subtle reality behind the meaningless differences between Time and Death and Fate- an ever-present ever-living circle of Being we all are cursed to go around and round like a blind amnesiac savant inside a closed labyrinth guided by nothing but the flawed memories of what never was; and we will do this again and again and again until the planet bursts or the sun goes out or the stars fall silent. The dubious joys of technological singularity will not be our salvation, nor will the boughs of the swaying Dark Forest in the Heavens succor us, nor will all the armed Hosts of the countless nations of Men assembled give us hope.
Unseen yet all-pervading symphonies vitalize every aspect of existence, pregnant with never-born ever-living horrors and delights beyond mortal comprehension, the full knowledge would blast the minds of all those who would seek to understand them. Only the most copious offerings of blood and fear and grief are such these ever-youthful ever-joyous bastard children of Causality will understand and yet never will their unliving undesiring unborn appetites will be sated.
In the millennia since the first sacrificial flame was kindled by the first Bharata, no respite has been found from this great wheel of causality. Thinkers of all hues and minds have taken refuge in Materialism, Hedonism, Stoicism, Apatheism, and diverse philosophies derived out of their own desire for understanding - but to no avail. It is evident that Time and Fate and Death are but the same.
“One borne in an ignoble race may have a very long life, while one sprung from a noble line perishes soon like an insect. In this world, it is very common that persons in affluent circumstances have no appetite, while they that are indigent can digest chips of wood. Impelled by destiny, whatever sins the man of wicked soul, discontented with his condition, commits, saying, 'I am the doer,' he regards to be all for his good. Hunting, dice, women, wine, brawls- these are censured by the wise. Many persons, however, possessed of even extensive knowledge of the scriptures are seen to be addicted to them. Objects, whether coveted or otherwise, come upon creatures in consequence of Time(Fate)'s course. No other cause can be traced.”-Bhishma, Shanti Parva
The most recent interpretations of these truths were laid out by the Germanic sage, Oswald Spengler. He described a system of inter-locking cycles, within themselves born anew again and again - and thus eternally subtle, eternally pleasurable, eternally horrifying. It was marked that, within every great cycle of a thousand years- lie the four Seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
… On the Shastras becoming thus divided, acts become multiplied. And largely influenced by passion, people engage in asceticism and gifts. And from their incapacity to study the entire Veda, it becomes divided into several parts. And in consequence of intellect having decreased, few are established in truth. And when people fall off from truth, they become subject to various diseases; and then lust, and natural calamities ensue. And afflicted with these, people betake themselves to penances. And some celebrate sacrifices, desiring to enjoy the good things of life, or attain heaven. On the coming of the Dwapara Yuga, men become degenerate, in consequence of impiety. O son of Kunti, in the Kali Yuga a quarter only of virtue abides. And in the beginning of this iron age, Narayana wears a black hue. And the Vedas and the institutes, and virtue, and sacrifices, and religious observances, fall into disuse… and disease, and lassitude, and anger and other deformities, and natural calamities, and anguish, and fear of scarcity. And as the yugas wane, virtue dwindles. And as virtue dwindles away, creatures degenerate. And as creatures degenerate, their natures undergo deterioration.-Hanuman, Vana Parva
Needless to say the Shastras are clear on the predicaments that will ensue from such an dissolute era:-
Almost all will be deceitful, cruel, vain, egoistic, thievish and mischievous. Men will be at variance with one another; women will be at variance with one another; no fear will exist in marriage ties. Properties will be only of those that will make them (i. e. there will cease to be any inheritance from father to son and so forth). Husbands will be obedient to their wives; unchaste women will be in every house… There will be no distinction of food, no distinction of wombs, no distinction of Asramas, and no distinction of persons. All will turn out Mlechchas. O Narada! Thus, when the Kali will have its full play, the whole world will be filled with Mlechchas,-Devi Bhagavata Purana
As has been stated in clear terms in the Shastras.
In the Age of Kali, Cows will be slaughtered, Women will lose their Chastity, plants will not bear fruit, Mlecchas will dwell on the banks of the Sindhu, the Vedas will be mocked, false Sages will roam around, Brahmins will be oppressed and act as Mlecchas themselves, Sages will be persecuted, unseasonal droughts and rains will plague Mankind, and various other horrors will arise. All this will happen owing to the decline of Dharma among Bharatas.
The Wise know that we live in the Winter of the current Great Spenglerian cycle, expected to end roughly between 2025 CE and 2032 CE. The dubious technological marvels accomplished in the present cycle have however ensured that the once-manifold flowers circles, each of whom once served as the golden womb for nascent Worlds- have been pressed into one throbbing fruit, swollen with pungent juices and bursting with rot.
Hence, it is all but certain that a period of great conflict and strife and blood-letting is at hand, the scope of which will blast the minds of those who will live on to witness such horrors that would be beyond mortal comprehension.
Herein will men run helter-skelter, and in the chastity and futility of their turbidity, they will raise first one man as King, and then another, and then another; they will do this to reclaim the aged splendor of the defenders of Dharma that once were. But their efforts will be futile for soon it will the fate for Him to rise from his throne and in his lotus-hands will be a sword of keen edges…
…And vehicles and weapons, and warriors and arms, and coats of mail will be at his disposal as soon as he will think of them. And he will be the king of kings, and ever victorious with the strength of virtue. And he will restore order and peace in this world crowded with creatures and contradictory in its course. And that blazing Brahmana of mighty intellect, having appeared, will destroy all things. And he will be the Destroyer of all, and will inaugurate a new Yuga…-Regarding the End of All, the Mahabharata
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