According to the 10% law of the food chain, top carnivores receive the least amount of energy compared to all other trophic levels, then how are these organisms the strongest among all?
Arjan Singh, the naturalist, once tried to tabulate the cases where there was an aggressive encounter between the apex predator of Indian forests- the Tiger- and the largest grass-eating whimpy loser- the ridiculous Ele-Fat.
Of course, there was no contest.
The Strongest of them all- the Tigers- wiped the fl…
No, actually in every single case, it were the Elephants who smashed, gored, stomped, kicked, and- in one case- chewed the Tiger to death. There was a case where a pair of courting Tigers did succeed in bringing down an Elephant over a running battle lasting an entire night but I remember him mentioning that the incident was plain weird.
Stop being a spoilt brat and eat your greens.
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