Why does Indian media mostly have a negative, hysterical, aggressive and provocative style of news reporting when it comes to Pakistan or China?

OP has made himself Anonymous but I think I can guess which cohort he's from. Anyway…
They don't.
Not entirely, anyway.
Pakistan coverage, apart from the Republic, us usually extremely “well-balanced” and “broad-minded”. In other words, the channels all but fall over themselves to cheer on the Pakistani generals, ambassadors, Intellectuals or whatever random “guest” they might've invited then. Any sane country would've long lined them up for investigation but NDTV and its like are run by Journalists after all, a higher breed of humans compared to us Hindus- and thus the laws of neither Man nor the Gods apply to them.
How very droll…
The Republic on the other hand is helmed by a certain individual whose political ideology is what practicing Hindus refer to as “Rayta”- a particularly obnoxious form of chest-thumping nationalist with the economic sense of a Somali pirate and the moral integrity of the latest issue of the Cosmopolitan.
OP can rest assured that despite the snarls this paper tiger might belch out at Pakistan, Raytas LOATHE Hindus far more than any antagonism they might bear towards Pakistanis.
They know that we know they're truth: the Rayta “supports” Hinduism not for love of the immortal gods, but because they believe that a Hindu society will give their hedonism greater license than would be expected under the Sharia law that'll inevitably rise if the ongoing Ghazwa-e-Hind against us Hindus succeeds.
It probably will, but anyway.
Both of these two cohorts, however, feel free to hide their obvious disdain for the Hindu and loathing for Dharma by distracting the Hindu hordes by mindless Nationalistic chanting against “acceptable enemies”- that is, “enemies” not protected by the great umbrella of the shadowy interests that fund and promote the environment within which such Media channels flourish.
I won't name names since I hope even the typical Quoran reads the newspaper.
In other words- China, drunk on its temporary financial success, has COMPLETELY ignored any form of real Ally building and meta-Civilizational narrative, and is blundering about like a Musth-maddened Elephant in a swamp, gloriously unaware of the Hunter coming to take the shot.
If I've read OP right, his brethren have mass-reported and collapsed my last answer that did speak on such matters on the charges of “plagiarism” or some such excuse so I won't waste my time on yoking a dead bullock to the plough.
Winnie the Ping should really read that copy of Seshisai…
