As a Hindu, do you feel ashamed when you receive fake news and hate propaganda against India’s minorities in your WhatsApp and other social media?

Since I'm not a dribbling baboon with an IQ of 50 who delights in incest, raping choir boys, and fucking goats…
If anyone ought to be ashamed, it should be the maniacs who've been spending the past multiple centuries murdering everyone who doesn't want to worship the odious so-called god of theirs, a creature that delights in murdering babies and slaughtering cities.
The early Aryas would've branded this beast a Demon and its cults anathema, and not loosened their mail and unstrung their bows until this “god” and his fanclub had been consigned to Asipatravana, but we Hindus are cursed with “modernity” and “Civilization” and “Secularism” now, and must sit around singing kumbaya as we are, systematically, wiped out nation by nation in what once used to be our holy land of Bharatavarsha.
As it is, 90% of these degenerate hordes voted for a personal mudhole to wallow in, the land for which they carved out of the living soil of the Continent forged by Emperor Bharata. The First Emperor, blessed be his fire-hallowed name, left us all, his heirs, this great land so that we could preserve Dharma but the great enlightened educated Hindu has fucked it all up and deserves a stint in the forest himself. Forever.
Any sane peoples would've answered the 1947 nonsense with blood and steel but the modern Hindu has not only paid the Danelaw, he's saddled himself with the two breeds of most verminous pack of rodent-like vandals in history, and is sure to be eaten out of home and hearth soon, all the while hearing sanctimonious nonsense such as this question.
All that remains is to dig out shrouds and prepare for Shaka. Jai Shri Rama.
