Did the Eastern Orthodox Church persecute heretics and apostates by means similar to the Inquisition of the Catholic Church?

You're trying to get me banned or something, SP? Everyone knows that Hinduism is the only discriminatory religion on Earth. The Inquisition was non violent, the heretics deserved it, the apostates were asking for it, pagans all willingly converted, and there has no force on Earth more pure and peaceful in history than the Christian churches, unless one considers the hordes of Peace.
Mark the recent “Conservative” explosion on Kora- so many Christians and self-declared Atheists defending the Christian world in general and the White world in particular, same as Liberals and Peacefuls have been doing for Peacefulism for so long. But how much leeway has been given to Hindus? Same as ever as when Kapil Routray and Saswat Routroy were banned.
So, of course the Eastern Orthodoxy Church NEVER persecuted anyone. No, sir. Same with the Catholic Church, all those pernicious lies be damned.
The dozens of anti-pagan and anti-jewish pogroms in Russia were all driven by perfectly secular, perfectly utilitarian goals and had no religious underpinnings at all, Sir. None at all. When the Cossacks went around flaying Catholic priests and desecrating catholic graves & raping catholic women, it was purely a secular practice as mentioned in the holy text, the God Delusion.
From day one, the Orthodox Church- as with its Catholic cousin- had been nothing but the light of Freedom and Peace upon this violent pagan Earth.
Such persecutions did we vile Pagans inflict upon these blameless Christians that Indo-European faiths are all but extinct beyond Chandigarh and Hindus are second-class citizens within the Secular Republic of India.
When the Orthodox Church's Roman adherents massacred Monophysites and Arians and drove them into the arms of the invading Peacefuls, it was a Pagan conspiracy. When they massacred tens of thousands of Paulicians in the streets, it was a conspiracy hatched in Varanasi. When the Orthodox Church persecuted Bogomils, it was because of the Puri Sankaracharya trying to destroy Christianity. The Raskol was an attempt by the vicious Graeco-Roman Pagan, or was it by the Baltic Pagans?
Of course, the Church was never guilty, sir. It was always done under secular authorities. Who cares that the secular authorities were entirely doing their line in such cases?
The Old Believers were a Pagan conspiracy. Pagans are the agents of their alleged Devil. Pagans deserve to die since we have slaves and eat babies and sacrifice virgins and something, same as heretics and apostates. But how can anyone blame the Church? When someone asks why the Church had to station vast military orders on the borders of every pagan king getting “Christian inspiration” or why every pagan defeat was followed by mass realisation that some Jewish carpenter of dubious birth and existence was God himself but never vice versa or why so even few writings of George Gemistos survive, we are all malcontents who hate Christianity.
Then again from Hitler's bunker was the Arya born, and Himmler was the one who ghosted as the composer of the Vedas. Repeat that enough and Kora might just make you a TW as well.
