Is it true that Alauddin Khilji, after winning Chittorgarh, put a Hindu ruler as in charge of the fort? If yes, then how did the Sisodia dynasty rule it again?

I'm seeing a lot of Questions like this one, alluding to some sort of Turkish-Mughal-Rajput bonhomie these days.
I can only wonder what is the meaning behind this… Lol, jk. We all know.
See- on the question of the beginning of Sisodia control of Mewar, there are two competing accounts. The Intellectual one and the Rajput one.
The Intellectual Account: Alauddin Khalji had given control of Mewar to some local dharmadrohhi who had helped him during the Mewar campaign. Enter Hammirdeva Guhila- or as we know him today, Hammir Guhilot. He acquired Mewar by treachery. The Tughlaq Sultans… something, something. <<Rajputana isn't mentioned for the next 20 pages.>>
The Rajput Account: Hammir was the grandson of Lakshmana Guhila, who was the young chieftain of the Sisod zamindari. He and his sons fought in the Siege of Mewar under Raja Ratan Singh against Khalji and were all either murdered or committed Saka after the fall of the City.
The orphaned infant Hammir grew up to be a brave chieftain. By defeating the bandits & deviants in the area, he acquired great fame and built a proto-state.
At this time, the Hindu governor of Mewar was Maldeva, who'd been put in charge by Alauddin Khalji's son Khizr Khan who'd had to quit his governorship because of the succession wars. Maldeva, fearful of Hammirdeva's growing popularity, arranged his daughter's marriage to Hammirdeva in hopes of gaining his strength.
However the Bards say that Hammirdeva declared that he wasn't to act as Karna to Maldeva's Jarasandha. He overthrew his treacherous father-in-law, executed the Turkish guards, exiled the Muslim settlers, tore down the Mosques, and told Delhi to come get their just desserts.
The Tughlaqs sent a massive army against Hammirdeva but were defeated so badly that not one man returned to Delhi. Encouraged by this, the Rajputs revolted from Malwa to Sindh and the Turks were all either exiled or killed. The booty captured was utilised to rebuild forts and temples. Hammirdeva became the first Maharana of Mewar and changed his family name to Sisodia in honour of his home.
The 14th Century was thus one of the high watermarks of Rajput Art and Architecture.
