Why did Colonial Spaniards mate and had kids with the natives in Americas while the French and British were more "race-pure"?
Probably will get a BNBR ban for this but here we go…
The Spanish are a mixture of Germanics, North Africans, and Iberians- with the moving Nationalistic sentiment among them being Catholicism. As such, the Spanish Colonial Expeditions were, first and foremost, Christian efforts led by an inherently multi-racial society.
They'd first bring the non-White to the light of Christo the Magnifico, making them fellow citizens under the Catholic Spanish Crown- barely a decade fresh from Reconquista, and then start the murder-rape-enslave business.
Firangs pretend otherwise but they had Caste systems- and in many ways, one far more bloodier than what we had. So did the Japanese, Koreans… but I digress. At any rate, accepting Non-Whites as fellow human beings didn't mean that it wasn't kosher to enslave or massacre or exploit them. Even so, the Spanish system did inculcate a certain sense of civic duty and brotherhood that encouraged a certain degree of racial miscegenation.
In contrast, consider the works of the naturalist and big game hunter Corbett, who died in the 50s. Corbett was clearly a genial chap, kind to everyone and good-natured. All-round benefactor to Man and Beast alike.
The thing is- read Corbett's books.
Read them carefully- and you'll find yourself wondering. Did he consider Indians Men or Beasts?
And this was supposedly a “good” British officer, a hero of the Indian People and benefactor of Humanity, a man of great personal courage and personal integrity who went out of his way to help people all over the North. And yet, for all his philanthropy, his attitude towards Indians resemble Jane Goodall's love for chimpanzees than they do to Salk's efforts for Humanity.
So essentially, for the average British officer - and I presume, his French counterpart- the non-White was an animal, a clever animal, maybe, but an animal nonetheless, to be exploited and beaten and put down when required. The question of racial miscegenation or cultural interaction didn't arise (save for a few rare cases, mostly in the 19th century) for which farmer in their right minds would go around fucking his donkeys and ducks?
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