You're forced to kill either a man who has the cure for cancer, a man who can start world peace, or a starving child. Who do you kill?

Define “World Peace”.
Both the Christians and the <<Redacted>> claim that their alleged Profits who apparently had a hotline to their alleged god came to Earth to bring “World Peace”- but as far as I can see, it's been the peace of the Grave for multiple Continents and counting.
The Communists are extremely keen on the World Peace thing as well, but Stalin and Mao could give any Old Testament mass-murderer a run for their money. And if “Peace” means 36 year old wastrels lazing around pontificating on the nature of the Watutsi tribe in Blackadder and how they align with modern African Transgenderism- while getting fat on the money I earn, yeah- I'd rather take my chances with the kid & the researcher
The Kid's probably going to be an ingratiate waste of space and the researcher a fraud with a lot of peer-reviewed garbage…
But then again I was working 16 hours a day at 21 to fund foreign trips by Padma Bhushans, the Exalted Heroes of the Glorious Republic of India, who spend their days cursing Hindus and their nights raping interns.
I'm used to being exploited.
